It’s been a bit quiet at Dollydagger HQ these last few months, for lots of reasons; aside from being in limbo like everyone else, I’ve also been working on new collections for our in-house brand Rollerama. I say ‘new’ but in reality, I’m going back to re-visit some of our old designs as well as bringing some fresh new ones, with a big nod to the 70’s and 80’s because all the best people were born then (ahem) and I still have an unhealthy love of legwarmers and off-the-shoulder sweatshirts but perms can stay in the past, thank you!
Rollerama has been in planning stages for a while, but towards the end of last year I found myself designing some Christmas cards for the new V&A Dundee and when they mentioned their forthcoming ‘Night Fever’ exhibition I knew that I needed to pull my finger out and launch our lightning bolt range early!
So here they are, our lightning bolt mirrors and jewellery collection, available in 5 colours (with a few new ones on the way!) and rather nice, even if I do say so myself!
If you want to see them in person and remind yourself what fun is, head to V&A Dundee to see their UK-exclusive exhibition ‘Night Fever’ which opened on 1st May 2021 and runs until January 2022. You might not be able to go clubbing just yet, but this is as close as it gets and with a nice big dollop of nostalgia for good measure.
Night Fever: Designing Club Culture examines the relationship between club culture and design, from the 1960’s to today and features renowned night clubs from around the world, such as Studio 54, The Haçienda and Kinky Gerlinky, amongst many others.
There’s also a room celebrating Scottish club culture; curated by Mairi MacKenzie of Glasgow School of Art; it includes club nights in Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Paisley.
Social distancing still applies and the museum can only have 350 visitors inside at one time, so you get to enjoy all the fun of clubbing, with lots of lovely space to move, which is how it should be!
Developed by the Vitra Design Museum and ADAM – Brussels Design Museum, the exhibition includes films, photography, posters, flyers and fashion as well as an immersive light and music installation.
Here's a peek of what to expect:

What are you waiting for? Get your tickets here!